Her Story...
This whole thing started within several hours after Gabrielle was born. My mom fed her her very first bottle just after birth, and she downed it as if she had eaten before. She was a pro already! What lucky parents we are...or so we thought. We noticed later on that evening that she started to have alot of stooling, and we were having trouble trying to get her to drink her bottles. So due to the exhaustion of just having a baby, the nurse was kind enough to work with Gabrielle and take her to the nursery that night. Early the next morning, the nurse told us that because of her stooling, gas, and fussiness that she most likely had a lactose allergy and they switched her to soy formula. Makes sense, my first daughter had a lactose allergy. So later that night we had the clear to be discharged home as long as we followed up with the pediatrician the next day. Things seemed to be going really well with the new formula, and the baby was doing a little better with the stooling.
During her night feedings we again noticed that her stooling patterns were starting to pick up again. We told the nurse practitioner the next day at her appointment about it, but were told that is normal for a new baby. We were also told she looked slightly jaundiced but that would clear up as she continued to feed and flush it out of her system. So 3 days later is when it happened, it was getting on to 11 at night, and the baby was showing signs of gas, fussiness, and more stooling. We assumed